After Cloud and the Group scouted the City of the Ancients on the Surface its Time to descent the crystal stairs that appeared earlier. At the end we find a Savepoint which is never a good sign… In Final Fantasy 7 it is allways a good Idea to do some extra saves on a extra saveslot, since everything you do has consequences in the long run. That way you can come back and start over at this point. What will happen now can not be changed however. Even for Final Fantasy VII Veterans this is a hard pill to swallow.
The City of the Ancients looks so nice, its all made out of crystal and nicely worked stone and marbel. We see Aeris she stands in some kind of Pavillon that can only be reached by jumping on some pillars. She does not say anything and Cloud is starting to approach her. The Gamepad controls are not working anymore, the screen flashes and we have no control over Cloud anymore. There is one button who initiates the next Step in attacking Aerith. All others can not prevent it but it shows that cloud is struggling.
Sephiroth in the City of the Ancients
To progress we need to initiate the Attack but the Group stops Cloud and he is frightend what he would have allmost done… A cutscene sets in: Sephiroth is in the City of the Ancients falling from the Sky and kills Aerith. He had control over Cloud and tried to let him do it. Aerith didnt speak a word since we came in… When she falls to the ground a small glowing Ball falls out of her hairband and drops in the Water. This little glowing thing will be very important later on. The cutscene still gives me goosebumps, the music alone is able to do it.
Sephiroths mocks everybody and disappears but drops another part of Jenova which is resulting in another Boss Fight. You can learn the Aqualung Enemy Skill here. When Jenova is defeated she calls Cloud a puppet… Cloud and the Group are giving Aerith a funeral in the City of the Ancients. She is now reunited with her ancestors but the last survivor of the Ancients is gone for ever! This will mark the End of Part 1 of Final Fantasy 7.
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Welcome to my Final Fantasy 7 Longplay! I stream the games i publish as Longplay on Youtube without Commentary and Voice as normal Let’s Play on Twitch. There we can talk Live and i take Feedback from the Community.