Gaming 💎 Final Fantasy 7 💎 FF7-Original 💎 FF7 Longplay – Part 95: The Great Glacier

created @ 08.04.2021 by Long

After the Snowboard Minigame we escaped the Icicle Inn to the Great Glacier where Shinra has the city in Lockdown. Once we start the Snowboard Minigame there is no going back. We are now i a Labyrinth like Minigame which also includes lots of Minigames itself. There is plenty of loot as well, some of it is uniqe but can be retrieved if you miss it now.

Depending on whioch turns you take in the Snowboard Minigame there is different locations where you will land. Walking around the Great Glacier is dangerous, if you are to much time outside you will pass out and find yourself at Mr. Holzoff’s cabin. From there you can access the maze again to the south. If you progress north the story will continue.

The enemys are strong but again the Yunon Tunnel grinding helps us to progress fast here. The Enemy Ability Materia comes in handy here was well since it will save AP and help you get trough faster, since enemys tend to spawn in groups.

More about this Longplay

Welcome to my Final Fantasy 7 Longplay! I stream the games i publish as Longplay on Youtube without Commentary and Voice as normal Let’s Play on Twitch. There we can talk Live and i take Feedback from the Community.

Final Fantasy 7


Final Fantasy VII throws you into a scenario of poverty and hopelessness, and the first mission immediately shows you how far the world has come and how far people are willing to go…

Our main character Cloud is a confused man, there were not many constants in his life. Not only does the world end, the game then throws Cloud’s fate in your face, whose world is breaking in on itself….

The odds are against you, but giving up is not an option! It is the very different characters that have found each other even when the world was against them that make the game’s story so interesting…



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