All Posts with Tag "let’s play fallout 4"
From Kalm we move to the east and find the next Spot on the Map where we can get in. It is the Chocobo Farm from Choco Bill. If you […]
This come totally unexpected for me! I only found out 3 months after the release of the information: Stalker 2 was official confirmed! The rumors that floated around was not […]
The Story about Cloud, Tiffa and Sephiroth continues. We go Back to the Shinra Mansion Basement where Sephiroth is still studying the Books from professor Gast. He goes maniac and […]
After the start of the Story from Clouds time as SOLDIER we continue the review of the Past. Cloud was on a Mission with Sephiroth for Shinra to investigate what […]
After the exploring of the City Kalm, we found out that it was a Mining City before. But the Workers stopped since Monsters infested the Mine. It started at the […]
We was leaving Midgar and are the first Time on the Worldmap. Now the Adventure really begins! We head off to Kalm, a small City near Midgar. On the way […]
Aerith is escaping Shinra HQ with the rest of the Team. Cloud is on top of the Shinra Building and is taking Care of President Rufus. We need to get […]
Gaming 💎 Final Fantasy 7 💎 FF7-Original 💎
FF7 Longplay – Part 25: Jenovas escape and President Rufus
After we got Trapped by The Turks and President Shinra told us his plan for the Promised Land and Neo Midgar we find our Team in a Jail. Aerith is […]
Professor Hojo is the Head of the Science Department of Shinra Inc. Barret recognized him in the Last part. Cloud knows who he is but didn’t know how he looks […]
Finally we reach floor 65 and find locked Chests everywhere. There is a weird miniature from Midgar in the Middle on floor 65. But some Sectors are missing. Before we […]