All Posts with Tag "gronkh let’s plays"
After all that grind in the Junon Tunnels it is Time to visit Cosmo Canyon! This is the first Time in the Game where we visit Cosmo Canyon. It is […]
After all that grinding for enemy Skills it is time to try some grinding Junon Tunnel. At the where you go to the Underwater Reactor we will find enemies that […]
Before returning to Junon and give the Tunnel Grind a try there is a few Enemy Skills that we need but that are hard to obtain. The Chocobo Knuckle and […]
Back at the old Continent it is time to grind more Enemy Skills. But first lets give the Chocobo Farm a visit to see what is going on there. We […]
You can drive with the Bugy to Costa del Sol and if you leave Junon you still have the Buggy. He is transported with you on the Ship. This give […]
After getting out of the Gold Saucer Prison and collecting the available enemy Skills on the west continent it is time to go back to Junon. Therefore we go to […]
After getting out of Gongaga Village the Group goes back to the Area of Costa del Sol and Gold Saucer. It is Time to start grinding Enemy Skills. In this […]
Gongaga Village seems like a pile of Trash but there is so much Going on. There was a Reactor earlier but that was blowing up. Since then the Town lost […]
We find ourself at the first Chocobo Race in the Game. Cloud needs to Win this Race or the Group will not get out of Prison. You can try as […]
After finding out how Barret lost his arm and learn more about his past it is time to find a way out of the Corel Prison. Chocobo Joe will help […]